Our Egyptian Tomb by klt ©
Most Christians are familiar with walking through desert times in their life.
You feel separated from God and life is overwhelming.
Then there are those times that you're in the deep valley and life really stinks.
And at least once in your life you will enter the Valley of the Kings.
Much like the one in Egypt, this valley has a tomb. A nice big one with a curse attached to it and everything. This tomb
is filled with all the things in your life that you don't want to think about, much less talk about.
Satan recites the coffin text: If you open up this tomb you will forever be cursed- you will live with unspeakable pain
and if you enter in, it will kill you.
Now, even though this sounds like it came out of Drama Queen's Home Journal,(or maybe Indiana's journal) the evil one
has this way of making it sound all to real. After all, we know what is in there- we put it there so we wouldn't have to face
It's filled with deep hurts, bad memories, and feelings from all kinds of stuff that we can't bear to deal with.
And even if we don't go in but just stand there looking, Satan says: "true, I can't deal with you here and now as
I like but you just try to stay out of my way! I'll get you, my pretty and your little dog too!"
Ok, so that was from a real drama queen but you get the idea. And that's the same line he pulls on us.
So, what do we do when we are standing there with hot sand sifting through are sandals, staring down this tomb?
Well, there is one person I know who is really good at dealing with tombs. He hasn't met a tomb yet that he couldn't open
up and bring somebody back from the dead.
Yes, Jesus knows about those "after three days it stinks" kind of places. He was in one.
On the third day he arose from his tomb so he could raise you from yours.
He'll stand with you and roll away the stone. When Satan shows up with his little curses, Jesus will tell him. "Be
gone! You have no power here!" And the best part is, Satan really has no choice but to leave!
And with the Resurrection Power that God used to raise Jesus Christ from the dead, He will take what stinks in your tomb
and help you conquer it. He will bring you back to life, back to a life worth living. All you have to do is ask Him.
For, we are more than conquers through Christ who loves us. Just remember, when you are in the Valley of the Kings, just
call out to the King of Kings.
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